An amazing photo taken on September 26, 2001, by Walter Nemanishen, P. Eng. shows the phenomenal world of this planet’s invisible nature. This article touches on the possible origin of the Triangle’s enigma of unusual fogs and vapors and electromagnetic anomalies.
When the massive solar flare of September 2001 was detected, and then afterward the unusual sight of spiraling clouds, it prompted NASA to delay a launch. The greater number of charged particles in the upper atmosphere was cause for concern, especially if there had been enough to get through to lower levels to charge clouds and give them “electric qualities.”
This phenomenon is believed created by the attraction of charged particles to the magnetic field lines of force of this planet’s magnetic field. They then commence vortex kinesis (swirling motion) around them, and follow the lines down into the Earth at the poles.
The idea of charged clouds caused by particles from space was first proposed by Norwegian Dr. Kristian Birkeland back in 1908, based on years of polar observance, northern lights, and weather conditions. Birkeland’s work and ideas, however, were discarded and are little known today because Lord Kelvin, a leading physicist of the time (from which degree kelvin secures its name), derided his work on the pretense space was a vacuum and therefore contained nothing. Today, Birkeland stands out as correct and far ahead of his time. His views were based on observation and deduction, whereas Kelvin’s was merely based on philosophy.
Unfortunately, much in popular science today is based on 100 year old data. Even worst, some of the “new discoveries” are merely new interpretations on what is incomplete or inaccurate data.
This method is largely responsible for dismissing the phenomena reported in the Triangle: bizarre spiraling clouds and fogs that seem to have no meteorological origin, but nevertheless exist. Also, the ridicule regarding glowing auras both below the ocean and those that attach themselves to ships or planes above the ocean. Although they are condemned as supernatural, or even more stupidly, any discussion of them is labeled “Pseudo-Science,” there is nothing false (pseudo) about reported unknown phenomena or theoretical discussions on what may be causing them. (The term pseudo-science is seldom, if ever, used by actual accredited scientists.) Furthermore, they always seem to have very natural properties, like “electronic” or clockwise spiraling action (above the equator) and counterclockwise (below the equator).
Such an expression—“electronic fogs”— was first used by Bruce Gernon to describe a meteorological phenomenon he encountered in the Triangle on December 4, 1970, which to this day remains unexplained. Proton monitoring, unfortunately, was not in effect until 1976, and there is therefore no way to determine if a sub solar storm was in part responsible for “charging” the area and created or charging the doughnut-shaped cloud he experienced.
But several coincidences stand out. The corkscrew tails on these clouds (pictured above) also bear a remarkable similarity with Bruce’s description of that swirling tunnel that finally opened up in that weird doughnut cloud. Gernon’s account indicates that this meteorological phenomenon may indeed have been charged. When he exited along this tunnel, he quite possibly flew along a magnetic field line a force, explaining why the tunnel remained open. It would also explain why the walls of the tunnel were swirling while he flew through. If it had charged particles in it, then logically they would begin to swirl around the magnetic field lines of force, forming the vortex funnel he describes.
Somewhat bearing this out is the fact Bruce was flying in the direction of these roughly north-south lines.
Charged particles in and of themselves hardly completely answer the mystery, however. Gernon’s phenomenon began low over the sea, not high up in the upper atmosphere. If the area was “charged,” could there be many other factors involved? Besides perhaps triggering some of Gernon’s experience, could these other factors bring this radiation down lower and explain other events in the Triangle? To shed light on this, I asked a number of scientists. Several alarming factors may be at work, which are delved into more deeply in my upcoming book: The Bermuda Triangle: an odyssey of unexplained disappearances at sea.
But for now, let’s elaborate on one and touch upon another.
Until recently it has been thought that most charged particles are blocked by the magnetosphere long before the radiation can descend to lower altitudes. Recent studies, however, have shown how charged particles are attracted to the magnetic field lines of force and therefore spiral down from high altitudes, to some extent, into the polar regions, following the lines as they descend to the poles—one of the reasons for the northern and southern lights. Certain events, however, may detour some to come down into the Triangle. (For a fuller description of these, you can consult my book.)
One reason is offered by Walter Nemanishen. He is a professional engineer tuned and conditioned by the rugged Canadian northern provinces. The unpredictable Canadian northwest does not inspire one to leaps in logic and careless considerations. Walter and I have enjoyed enlightening discussions. He is a physicist, agricultural engineer, and prospector in Canada’s Saskatchewan Province, and himself the former student of professors trained by Oppenheimer, Anderson, and Tolmann (one of Einstein’s early students in Germany.) Aside from his government consulting on atmospheric causes of super droughts, and his longtime interest in the northern lights (and his study of Birkeland’s staggering 900 page tome on the topic), his unique background in prospecting provides “gems” of corollary information on the Triangle. He comments:
“Based on about 50 years of hardrock and placer gold exploration, permit me to offer an “old-sourdough’s” educated guess for the mysterious electrical phenomenon encountered at rare times within the Bermuda Triangle. The elusive culprit may be extremely high-grade uranium deposits, outcropping along the seabed, and emitting highly radioactive radon gas. The radon may accumulate and belch whenever the hydride gases do”.
“If radon gas is diffusing upward from uranium deposits within the Bermuda Triangle, once it reaches the atmosphere, and if not dispersed by strong winds, it would ionize a column of air and make it very electrically conductive.”
“The greatly increased electrical conductivity of the air would explain certain other mysterious effects, like electrical equipment failing and engines sputtering and even dying. Coronal arcing would occur in piston driven engines without electrically shielded high-tension wiring. Paul Vance reported his engine faltering— was it a diesel or a spark-ignition engine? If the latter, ionized air likely caused coronal arcing.”
I pointed out Paul Vance’s sighting in 2001 entailed a strange swirling mist or fog in a spiral or vortex motion downward and an unsual light which seemed to insigate it. From earlier conversations, I wondered if radon gas could be responsible, or if possibly the electrical conductivity of such a funnel could attract charged particles.
Paul later confirmed it was a gas engine. He commented: “I never really associated my sighting with my engine failure because the problem didn't improve afterward. However, I do know that when an arc develops the spark tends to keep following that same path so perhaps the cloud started the arcing process.”
Another possible way the Triangle has a greater enigma for “electric qualities” is also suggested by Walter Nemanishen:
“I would not rule out high-energy particles (from the solar wind) as a possible cause of some of the phenomena. In addition to massive magnetic disturbances, they could also ionize the upper atmosphere. Little is still known about the effects these particles create in the stratosphere because of the paucity of electrical data. But if the interplanetary magnetic field is south during a massive coronal ejection, the extreme energy particles would not be deflected by the magnetosphere and consequently broadside the Bermuda Triangle region.”
The results of such a bombardment would be far reaching in the Triangle and cover a wide array of effects that can potentially link them to the Triangle’s enigma. Swirling fogs; electronic clouds, electromagnetic anomalies. In one case, Walter even dug out an old report detailing a witness’ sighting of a strange doughnut-shaped cloud over South Sea, England. Inside the cloud’s “doughnut hole,” vortex action was evidenced from the circulating wisps of cloud which had detached from the inner ring and were swirling around the center, another suggestion of electrodynamics. One that hearkens us to Gernon’s experience once again.
Although there are those who would insist that the magnetosphere should block these upper atmosphere charged particles, this view, once again, is coming from 100 year old data. Recent studies are impressive in their evidence, and disturbing in their body. Not only do they detail how aircraft can be affected by these charged particles, but they detail how our own microelectronics are an unwitting accomplice. Other studies are revealing a cause not from particles from the solar system but from deep within the Earth beneath the oceans. The most likely areas where this phenomenon will occur unexpectedly singles out the Triangle. If these factors remain unchanged and unchecked, and worst of all if we ignore them, than the Triangle’s enigma will continue to spin out of control as well.
Electrified cirrostratus clouds? It appears so— electrified in this case by charged particles after a sub solar storm. The particles (protons, electrons, etc.) may have gotten to lower altitudes and electrified the clouds. The clouds are noteworthy for their corkscrew tails, an indication that charged particles are spiraling around the magnetic field lines of force. Photo Courtresy of Walter Nemanishen, P. Eng.
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